Students at Gold Coast Christian College wear smart, practical uniforms and students are expected to maintain a high standard of tidiness in their personal appearance. It is essential that our school uniform is worn in a neat and tidy manner at all times. There is a sport uniform and a formal uniform and students must wear the correct uniform each day as outlined by staff. Mixing and matching of these two uniform styles is not permitted.

Jewellery is not to be worn with the College uniform at official school functions and events.

Uniforms are sold through the Uniform Shop, conveniently located at the Administration Office. Please refer to the College uniform guidelines for purchasing the correct uniform items. The Uniform Store accepts payment by cash and EFTPOS.


Monday: 8:00am - 9.30am
Wednesday: 8:00am - 9:30am
Thursday: 2.45pm - 4pm

Please note: The uniform shop offers extended hours prior to school commencing each year. Please contact the College Office for more details.


Uniform Guidelines

Uniform Price List 2025