The Wellbeing Team

The Wellbeing Team at Gold Coast Christian College works collaboratively with teachers, parents, and the broader community to create a nurturing environment that fosters emotional intelligence, character development, and positive mental health. Through proactive programs, targeted interventions, and ongoing support, our team aims to equip students with the necessary skills and resources to navigate life's challenges with resilience and confidence.

Our services extend beyond individual support. We also prioritise the development of positive relationships and a strong sense of belonging within our school community. The Wellbeing Team organises various initiatives all designed to cultivate a culture of compassion, empathy, and kindness among our students. Together, they aim to create an environment where each individual can flourish, develop a strong sense of self-worth, and live out their unique purpose.

Our school Chaplain

The Chaplaincy Program at Gold Coast Christian College is managed by our College Chaplain, Mrs Melissa Burrett.


The Gold Coast Christian College Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program is partly funded by the Australian Government Department of Education under the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program.

Wellbeing Coordinator

Our counselling services aim to provide guidance and support to staff, students and their families. To make an appointment please email Jerry Unser -